Data-driven business cases and value assessments, instantly

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trusted by the top tech companies

Enable your champion to secure budget, with or without you

End-to-end solutions for value selling
Value driver identification and formulation

Our research team will do a deep dive into your industry and see how the competition is positioning value. We'll combine that with learnings from interviews with your team and customers to identify your core value drivers and develop formulas.

Self-service tooling

We will provide self-service tools that can be used by anyone on your go-to-market team. Field teams can generate custom business cases instantly, CSMs can conduct value realization exercises, and sales development reps can include value projections in their outreach.

Enablement and adoption support

We'll make sure our tools don't become shelfware. We'll conduct trainings for your sales team and work with them to customize business cases.


What we do

Whether you're starting to think about value and selling to enterprises or already have a team of value engineers, we can help.

We've put together a lot (like, a lot) of value frameworks. Whether you need help ideating the first version of your value framework, covering for your existing value team, or getting a second opinion on something done by an industry analyst, we can help.


When you work with us, we'll make sure to provide tools that let your team use the models in a self-serve fashion.

Our engineering team is heads down building our full cloud platform right now, so stay tuned. If you'd like to get a preview and impact the roadmap, get in touch with us here!

Adoption as a priority

There's no question: value selling works. Focusing on how a product impacts a company's key operational and financial metrics creates alignment across technical and non-technical stakeholders.

Unfortunately, most value selling offerings stop at training. Salespeople are busy and theory gets lost unless there are proper tools in place its application.

We combine theory with application to spread value selling across your organization and ensure nothing becomes shelfware, and can be called upon to help with customization for opportunities.

Increase close rate
Increase deal velocity
Increase selling price

Everything you need to create your value framework

Sales Process Workbook
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ROI Presentation Template
August 22, 2023
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4 Traits of a Successful ROI Calculator
June 20, 2023
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3 Reasons Your Startup Needs an ROI Calculator
May 10, 2023
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10 Takeaways from 100 Interviews
May 3, 2023
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Frequently asked questions

What is value selling?

Value selling is a sales approach that focuses on the business impact of a product and its impact on key operational and financial metrics.

What is a value framework?

A value framework outlines the individual business savings that a product generates and the factors that go into it.

What is a value model?                                                                                                                                                   

Sometimes referred to as ROI Calculators - value models operationalize value frameworks into tools that teams can use to quantify the impact of a product on an organization.

Why should I use a value model?

The battle for budget is getting more competitive and technology is getting more complicated.  Champions need buy in from the CFO's office, where fancy features don't sell, but numbers do.

How long does it take to create a value model?

On average, we can create the first version in 2-3 weeks. The feedback loop is where projects usually slow down.

Why should I use Nilai instead of building my model internally?

We can build the model faster and for a lower cost than hiring a dedicated internal resource. We've made models for a variety of softwares - from chatbots to infrastructure access tools - so we'll be able to think through things better than you.

How is this different than a Business Value Assessment (BVA)?

Our value models are "BVA-lite". They're easy to learn and can auto-generate business cases. The work value engineers do is irreplaceable, and our goal is to complement them.

Full BVAs are resource intensive. Weeks go into arranging and conducting interviews, doing trial and error, and putting together reports. Teams are limited, so only the largest accounts end up getting BVAs, leaving most prospects and customers behind. Value models offer speed: we use a data-driven approach to provide instant estimates. SDRs use models to set more meetings, AEs to garner interest in full BVAs, and CSMs to  justify upsells and renewals.

What happens after you give us the model?

We'll do an enablement session for your team to train them on the model. We'll also provide video walkthroughs and best practices documentation. We'll stay in touch to support you for the first few opportunities and make sure the model doesn't become shelfware.